Wonderful video Chris. Thank you!!! Bravo!!!

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Thank you for watching Angela and the restack.

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Great share .. we are responsible for our decisions and actions and our perspective !

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Yes! The evils are perpetrated by us. Withdraw from doing harm. Question the overlords 🙂

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Straight to the heart of the matter. Very well spoken, Chris. This is easy to understand for anyone.

Wage slavery conditions, thousands of years of democide agendas, mind control influencing targeted at children from an early age... It's not "idealistic" to want to help end all of that insanity.

Will be glad to see more of your work going forward. Much care man


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Thanks for watching Nathan and yes, you are correct. Children have been conditioned at an early age to accept so much tyranny of mind and soul. This false acceptance of "just get a job, doesn't matter what you do," as some right of passage. I remember running into a college buddy about a year or so after I graduated and he told me he worked for Lockheed Martin. I was just like, really? Of all the options in the world?

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