
What is Natural Law?

Will we come into Harmony with It?

Natural Law is binding and immutable.

Natural Law is Cosmic Law, universal, non man made conditions, governing dynamics of Consciousness.

Natural Law is a science that can be discovered through Cause and Effect analysis of oneself and the environment, essentially through pattern recognition.

Natural Law is the 42 precepts of Maat.

It is the 7 Hermetic Principles with the 8th lost principle, the generative principle of care.

It is the sum total of the aggregate of humanity’s thoughts, emotions and actions.

The Action being the Alchemical marriage of thoughts and emotions.

Is there a mental schism in the consciousness of humanity?

Is there a conflict within the heart, a battle between right and wrong, absolute truth vs. moral relativism?

With Internal Anarchy there is no order within the self, no mastery, no crown of authority over oneself. Thoughts, emotions and actions are not unified.

Therefore, external monarchy takes place, the controlling of others since one has no control of self.

Self Loathing turns into the dragging down of others.

With internal Monarchy, comes self mastery, sovereignty of self. Love of the true Self (capital S). Moral coded thoughts, moral coded emotions and moral coded actions are unified. Unity consciousness abides in the internal Monarchy.

The biggest lies told are the truth of oneself, the other lies, the ones that get you to look, are just an externalization of the so called “hierarchy.” This hierarchy is an illusion, an illegitimacy.

When Internal Monarchy occurs within the aggregate of humanity, external anarchy (no rulers) will come into consciousness.

When Objective Morality is spoken, shared and above all FOLLOWED, the prison walls both erected within the self and humanhood will not merely fall, but evaporate.

Truth is neither solely random and chaotic nor wholly deterministic and predictable.

The Observer, Universal spiritual laws and the governing dynamics of consciousness make this so.

The Truth of the Matter (yes, matter) is the synthesis of the random component of Free Will and the Deterministic Component of Natural Law.

The Law is binding and immutable but Free Will is not.

The Effects of Free Will is where the True Law is met out and given.

What will our Free Will causes be? What future set forth in the Now will we co create for the Future?

The Co Creation is with the Laws that make up the structure of the Universe, made by the Creator of the Universe.

The Creator gave us this blessing of a grand Universal Imperium that is all around us.

This Imperium coupled with actions is a power given to us, a gift, THE GIFT, THE POWER.

What did humanity do with this gift? Do we not see the causes played out in the past through our present situation?

Is this situation we are presently in of slavery to an illegitimate system not the thesis we need to deduce these Laws and their legitimacy?

The Law of Freedom is legitimate, for it is carried out either way.

What is the Law of Freedom?

As morality increases, freedom increases.

As morality declines, freedom declines.

And what is this morality?

It is very simple, too simple really, for those who BE LIE VE in authorities’ right to disregard objective morality.

It is simply to not do unto others as you would not have done unto you.

It is not to initiate harm onto another.

It is not murder, assault, theft, trespass, coercion or willfully lying to anyone, including those you don’t agree with, and yes, including those who you think should be Eugenically wiped out.

It is not supporting those atrocities either, giving energy to them, feeding the Beast of lower nature.

It is not following orders but acting on your own consciousness, that internal monarchy manifested into reality, therefore; the armies of the archons cease and desist.

It is no longer recognizing an untrue, illegitimate and immoral claim that any being has the right to control and bend nature and man to his or her whims.

It is unification of heart, mind and guts, the movement of energy based in love, not fear.

It is abundance.

As I said before, it is an Imperium coupled with Free Will. A Power. And what kind of power will manifest a free society?

Moral Power. Moral Code. Moral Principles. First Things First.

Moral Relativism is weak, whimsical, not lasting. Moral Power is strong, abiding, especially when it is known and felt. Power in Truth, power in what simply is.

It is the object of moral power to regenerate public sentiment — to superinduce a right public opinion and WILL in the great mass of the people. It is the object of political power to overawe and coerce, by penal laws, delinquent and refractory individuals. Moral power converts the majority to righteousness, in spite of ten thousand difficulties. Political power expresses the new public will in the forms of law, and by physical force, applied or threatened, overawes the minority, and coerces the unwilling few into apparent subjection.

Moral power does ninety-nine one hundredths of the work, and political power, in its official robes, with a half unsheathed sword at its side, follows after, claiming all the credit. Which is the superior?

Moral power is putting forth mighty energies to abolish slavery, and elevate four millions of degraded beings to the rank of manhood. It is exerting its multiform influence to regenerate a corrupt public sentiment, and to superinduce a will in the people of the United States to let the oppressed go free. Political power hinders and obstructs the progress of this reform by every possible means. It is wedded to slavery, and will uphold it till a new public opinion compels it to stand off.

Adin Ballou

The Superiority of Moral over Political Power.”

The Eugenicist Psychopaths who live in their base desires, so therefore, cloud their Nous from the Divine path, deserve no allegiance. They are subhuman, so they are beneath us.

They have chosen through their free will to be so.

Will we choose a different path for our future and the future generations? What will we do in the now? How will we conspire to bring about freedom?

The ongoing Pandemic Treaty of WEF is causing a stir and rightfully so. But how much energy should we really give to this false matrix?

Writing something down on paper doesn’t make it so. I won’t register because it doesn’t register with me. See how that works?

Moral Power also actualizes the right to defend oneself, defend the divine within.

Nature comes from the Kamitian (Ancient Egyptian) word “Neter,” which means Divine. Natural Law is Divine Law. We are bound by it. The question is will we adhere to these Laws and act accordingly to manifest the effects of Freedom?

Will we not only follow the 42 precepts of Maat, but not give others the authority to violate these precepts? Will we not give energy to the illusion?

Will we have internal monarchy, defending our sovereignty, while working voluntarily with other sovereign beings?

Will we defend their right to be sovereign in their bodies? Will WE be the true United Sovereigns?

Our future, our legacy, our time, our descendants are in waiting.

Waiting to receive our generative principle, our care.

Lex Rex means Law is King. However, since every being has the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine principle in them, and a holistic being balances these two; plus the fact that there are many Kings and Queens manifesting their sovereignty of self through actualizing anarchic expression, I end with this:

Law is King and Queen.
Pure Consciousness is King and Queen. Moral Power is King and Queen.

May Chaos and Hate be engulfed with the light of Order and Love.

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