I went to Cahokia mounds when I was in fifth grade. The teacher for my gifted class actually paid for me and a friend to go with them even though we didn't sell enough in our class fundraiser to go. It was a great experience which I very much still appreciate.
Yeah it’s worth a trip for sure. Did my junior high and high school in the St Louis metro. We did a couple of field trips. Thanks for the memories and great pics!
No government FTW!
What purpose(s) did the mounds serve? Why build them?
Was going to ask the same thing!
AH! You guys are cute :) No government, you say? Sounds lovely. :)
I went to Cahokia mounds when I was in fifth grade. The teacher for my gifted class actually paid for me and a friend to go with them even though we didn't sell enough in our class fundraiser to go. It was a great experience which I very much still appreciate.
Yeah it’s worth a trip for sure. Did my junior high and high school in the St Louis metro. We did a couple of field trips. Thanks for the memories and great pics!