Happy New Year beautiful people! Thank you all for being here, reading, liking and commenting. I appreciate all of you. I appreciate the fellow writers on this platform who also subscribe to my articles. I have found so many great writers here through the community sharing, restacking and recommending. I’m so blessed and grateful to be a part of this wonderful community.
My wish for all of you is peace (Hetep), balance of mind, heart and spirit. Resiliency, sovereignty, love for one another, and above all, the courage to reach down inside yourself and find that divine spark. Use your gift(s), whatever it may be. The world needs your uniqueness. True freedom comes from within. Find and cultivate it.
If 2023, was rough for you, start now. If 2023, was great, continue on your path. Either way, look back one year from now and be AMAZED at your progress.
I’m happy to say today marks one year of sobriety for me. I decided today that my forever song on my anniversary going forward is Tame Impala “One More Year.” Just feels right cause the album “The Slow Rush” got me through some tough times and that song kicks off the album. The song really talks about someone stuck within their loop de loop. Felt good to break that, but still an upbeat song.
Enough about me, though. Here is what I wish for all of you:
That the sun will shine on you. Trials won't encourage discouragement. Abundance and love will fill your heart. Natural Law principles will live within you and flow out into the aggregate. Soundness in mind, body, spirit and protection. Understand that you are the solution. Love yourself and if you are not comfortable with yourself, get comfortable. Understand though it will be uncomfortable at first. Comfortable with uncomfortable is key. You've done it before though. Was it comfortable when you were red pilled? Heal yourself if you need healing. Confront your shadow (dragon) and reintegrate into yourself (if not pursued yet) Look at your life as your movie, complete with whimsical tales, choose your own adventure, and understand you are the director with many lovely supporting characters. Be the supporting character in another's story. Embrace Sovereign Life. And if life has given you flames, be a Phoenix.
I love you all. Peace, prosperity, caution, discernment and abundance for 2024. Picture below.
I got the shirt from Etsy. Maybe you are emotional (you said for some reason) because I know you have lost people you loved in the past from addiction. You've talked about it. Not trying to bring up dark stuff, this is a happy moment! But I'm guessing that's probably why. Now you see someone rise above it.
Thank you Karen! Happy New Year!